Steps For Online Admission:
1. Click on "Online Payment For Form" Fill your detail and make online payment for fill form .
2. After 24 Hour Click on "Apply Online" and fill Your Application Form for admission using Unique Id., Mobile No, Class & Session.
3. Take Printout of Application Form, check form carefully with all supporting documents.
4. Candidate must come to College for Document Verification and Couselling if he/she is selected in merit list.
5. "Pay Fee Online" (after couselling, document verification) within Due Date.
6. Submit Online Payment Fees Receipt in College.
नोट: फॉर्म भरने के बाद और मेरिट लिस्ट में नाम आने पर अपना डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिफिकेशन अवश्य करायें |
Contact No.: +91 5175232450
(With form details)